Hello there!
I have been getting a lot of new products lately and wanted to share a few that I thought would be perfect for fall/winter. I love the colors that everyone has come out with, granted I probably shouldn’t wear some of them but its my world and ill do what I want! Recently my obsession is a burgundy lip, i have never worn a burgundy lip a day in my life, but Ive found that is all Im drawn to lately when looking at pinterest or other beauty bloggers. I went on a limb today and got the perfect color of burgundy after a 30 min debate with myself if the colors i had chosen were either to plum like, or too red looking. Finally I made a decision because the poor girl who was working at the MAC counter looked at me like she wanted to stick that tube of lipstick in my eyeball. After choosing my burgundy and holiday brushes, which are amazing, I ventured to Chanel and Bobbi Brown. Lets get real with the situation, Ive walked to the BB counter maybe 4 times in my entire life. I had no interest whatsoever in her products but I watched a video on youtube this past weekend where the girl sculpted her face like a perfect sculpted goddess with BB’s bronzing powder and it looked amazing so I thought I would give it a try. Next my little feet somehow drug me to the Chanel counter. As usual any time i see the name Chanel the heavens descend, doves release, the whole shebang. Julie was eyeballing me thinking she was about to sucker me into their new holiday frosty white and pink and black nonsense eyeshadows which i clearly have no interest in because shimmer is the devil in the form of an eyeshadow. Their red lipstick however was on point so I snagged that bad boy. Keep in mind the only time Ive worn red lipstick is when I was Dolly Parton in Paul Mitchell’s hair show, worst decision of my life. OK so lets get to the good stuff!

MAC Lipstick in “DIVA” ( http://rstyle.me/~6WYWT ). So i gave you a little synopsis of how much effort I put into trying to find the perfect burgundy lip color. It was hard! There are so many choices and finally I just had to go with my gut. This color is so wonderful on, again I will try and post a picture of myself wearing it soon. MAC has the best lipsticks for the amount of pigment they pack into these sticks. I really love the variety of colors they offer as well.
Chanel Rouge Allure in Coromandel 98(http://rstyle.me/~6WZ2L). Holy Grail. Angels descend. Enough said. Just kidding, sort of. I am really picky when it comes to colors, colors for my house, car, makeup, etc. This is THE perfect red. Not too pink, not too orange, just right. Feels great on but doesn’t last as long as I would like. I literally tried on EVERY Chanel red they had at the counter. My lips were stained so bad by the last one there was no way I knew if that was the true color i was putting on my lips. Coromandel has the perfect amount of orange tint for me. I do not like the in-between plum/pink/red. Not my style.
MAC Stroke of Midnight Brush Kit “Essentials”. Amaze balls. All of the perfect brushes MAC has to offer. If I didn’t have all of the other brushes in the other kits I would have got those too, thats how much I love the packaging this year. Love my new sexy brushes! Brushes included: 68SE large angled contour brush, 217SE blending brush (i have a few of these, my go to blender), 212SE Flat definer brush, 239SE Eye shader brush, 193SE Angled foundation brush.
Ok so here is where you can purchase these beauties if you like. Keep in mind I took these pictures in natural light so you guys could see what the color is for real, no funny filters. Also, unfortunately I do not get paid to write these lovely little tid bits for you guys so these are my truest opinions of the products. Love y’all! -A