Gods Tangible Answers

March 9, 2018

Gods Tangible Answers

Hey guys!! I am loving this new devotional book that we started on Wednesday!! It has helped me so much already!! I just finished day one of the second week and in the last paragraph of the chapter what Priscilla says made a situation come to life and change me completely.

Week two is all about the Holy Spirit and on Wednesday we will have our Instagram live devotional and talk more about it but I had to share today a tangible miracle God gave me and hopefully this will inspire someone who needs to hear this message.

I thought I was really good at hearing the Holy Spirit and always prided myself on having a great intuition, but this book is teaching me so much about actually hearing what He is trying to tell me.

I didnt know that Priscilla was in the movie War Room. She tells us how she didn’t think she was qualified for the movie but after reading the script realized it was a way to minister to people about prayer. Then she says after that she remembers eight years before in a devotional group someone had told her that the Lord would use her in a big way to move people to prayer. Let me explain to you without going into further detail this was God revealing his voice in a tangible way. Almost as if God spoke through this teacher to tell her that she needed to prepare herself to be of influence to others in a big way. If you haven’t read page 46 in Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer you must read it. If you do not read any other page of the book I want you to read 45-46 and listen to this testimony. Then if you dont believe what she has to say im going to give you another example of God speaking in the form of a tangible thing. 

In December when I was going through a really hard break up I though I had just been dumped by the most Jesus loving man I would ever meet. I was so discouraged because I thought I would never meet someone who loved Jesus like he did. So I began to pray for a God loving man. I prayed that God would bring me someone who would love Him and seek Him and someone that prayed for me and with me. I prayed these things daily sometimes multiple times a day. Then a month later I met someone. I met a man that even if I tried to put him into words I couldn’t. I couldn’t explain to you the amount he loves Jesus. I couldn’t begin to tell you how perfectly God made this man for me. Every detail of the prayer and things I didnt even know God formed this man for me and I knew it instantly without a doubt and still know it to this day. If God ever made a man that was my soul mate it is him. He is my tangible miracle.God sent him to me to show me what a real man of God is like, what he does, how he acts, what its like for a man to strive to be like Jesus every single day, not just on Sundays, not just when things are going good but in the hard times, and even when he doesnt want to. Of course he never sees himself that way and would never but I can say it because I see it and know it. Its never peoples words that make them have good character, its their actions. 

On page 46 Priscilla says this, “When God shows up in a tangible, surprising way, enjoy it, celebrate it, and thank Him for it. Then, turn your attention inward again, look to the Spirit and the Scriptures, and thank Him for giving you the most miraculous means of all for hearing His voice.” So whats the problem you ask? I received the miracle and thanked Him everyday, but I never turned my attention back inwardI kept my vision focused on the relationship and what it had to offer me instead of what God had to offer me in the relationship. I think the greatest lesson Ive had this year is just because God gives you your answer and your miracle it doesnt mean you change your focus. You have to keep your eye on the real prize, God. 

It can be hard to hear what God is trying to tell us. Im so thankful we have the Holy Spirit through Jesus inside of us guiding our steps. We can hear God in many ways but the tangible voice of God is our greatest way to hear from Him but is rare. Its moments like mine and Priscillas where you have the hair stand up on your arms and butterflies in your stomach and you know without a doubt it is God speaking in tangible form. He is speaking directly to you and you know it without a shadow of a doubt. Thats when you feel the closest you can to Him. Thats when you know His love for you is so real He would be willing to go back to His Old Testament ways of prophets and visions to offer you a tangible answer. I hope this message encourages you in some way!! xoxo -A


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